- Some chinese economists worry out loud that china 's massive stimulus-spending might have bought the country only a temporary reprieve .
- 一些中国经济学家十分担心该国大规模消费刺激计划],可能只换来了一个暂时缓刑。
- Previously been recognized in the street also worry out of shopping time is always quick even now simply have no chance to go out .
- 以前还担心在街上被认出来,逛街的时候总是速战速决,现在干脆连出门的机会都没有了。
- He delights to worry out knotty points in english .
- 他以绞尽脑汁来解决盘根错节般的项语问题为乐。
- There is one simple way to crowd worry out of your mind : make yourself busy .
- 一个很简单的方法就能赶走忧虑,那就是让自己忙个不停。
- Do not bother about it I will worry out the answer .
- 你别为这操心了,我会想出答案来的。
- They are trying to worry out an answer to the difficulty .
- 他们在试图绞尽脑汁,找出解决困难的办法。
- You needn 't worry about running out of money I 'll always see you right .
- 你不必担心钱花光了怎麽办--我随时关照你的需要。
- Guests need not worry about running out of terrain !
- 客人不必担心在地形!
- At least we don 't have to worry about running out anytime soon .
- 至少目前我们不用担心枪支弹药会很快用完。
- Don 't worry about running out . I can get iots more of these .
- 别担心会吃完,我可以弄来更多这些。